About Me

Hi there, and welcome to Corner Window Crafts! 

My name is Ashley and this blog is my little corner of the internet.  I love sewing and knitting and crafting and cooking and I made this blog to share my creations and ideas.  I am no expert and I make a lot of mistakes, but that’s part of the fun of it.  Right??

I recently moved from Los Angeles to Albuquerque.  While I miss my home in LA, I am excited to explore my new home of Abq, and I will share my adventures here as well. 

I also have a shop on Etsy where I sell some of my creations.  You can check that out here.

Hmm, what else about me?  I love love love Martha Stewart.  I love chocolate and tea.  I love running and biking.  I love my husband.  I love my parakeet.  I love trees.  Yep, that’s enough gushing. 

Some regular features you'll see here on Corner Window:  Martha Makes, where I try out a craft or recipe from Martha's magazine; Pinterest Day where I try out a craft or recipe I spotted on Pinterest; and Explore NM Day, where I let you in on my explorations of my new home.  As well as lots of crafts and other fun stuff!

If you have any questions/comments, feel free to contact me at cornerwindowdesigns AT gmail DOT com.

Thanks for stopping by my Corner Window! 

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